Why is my dog shaking? Common Causes and Solutions

Why is my dog shaking?

Many dog owners know the experience of their furry friend shaking or trembling all too well. While this can be concerning to see, it’s important to remain calm and remember that there are many reasons why dogs shake, and not all of them are a reason to ring alarm bells.

Many common reasons for dogs shaking include excitement, cold, stress, anxiety, pain, illness, old age or they may just be seeking attention. It’s important to recognise the difference between everyday shaking and signs of something underlying, which could be a serious medical emergency.

In this article, we’ll explore the different reasons why dogs shake, what to look out for, whether CBD Treats and CBD Oil may be able to help and when to seek veterinary advice. Whether you’re a new dog owner or have had dogs for years, understanding why your dog is shaking can help you provide the best care for your furry friend.

Why is My Dog Shaking?

Dogs shake for a variety of reasons. Sometimes it’s just normal behaviour, but other times it can be a sign of an underlying medical or behavioural issue. In this section, we’ll explore possible reasons why your dog may be shaking and what you can do about it.

Possible Medical Reasons

If your dog is shaking excessively or has started shaking suddenly, it could be a sign of an underlying medical condition. Here are some possible medical reasons why your dog may be shaking:

1. Pain or discomfort: If your dog is shaking and seems to be in pain, it could be a sign of an injury or illness. Dogs may also shake when they’re uncomfortable, such as when they have an upset stomach or bladder infection.

2. Neurological issues: Certain neurological conditions, such as seizures or tremors, can cause your dog to shake uncontrollably. If you suspect your dog is having a seizure, seek veterinary care immediately.

3. Hypoglycemia: Low blood sugar can cause shaking in dogs, especially in small or toy breeds. If your dog is shaking and seems lethargic or disoriented, it could be a sign of hypoglycemia.

Why is my dog shaking? Possible medical reasons

If you suspect that your dog’s shaking is down to a medical reason, such as those mentioned above, it’s important to consult with a veterinarian as soon as possible.

Possible Behavioural Reasons

Not all dog shaking is caused by medical issues. Sometimes, dogs shake because of behavioural reasons. Here are some possible behavioural reasons why your dog may be shaking:

1. Anxiety or fear: Dogs may shake when they’re feeling anxious or scared. This could be due to loud noises, new environments, or separation anxiety.

2. Excitement: Dogs may also shake when they’re excited, such as when they see their favourite toy or when you come home from work.

3. Attention-seeking: Some dogs may shake to get your attention or to get you to play with them.

Why is my dog shaking? Possible behavioural reasons

If you suspect your dog’s shaking is caused by a behavioural issue, it’s important to address the underlying cause. This may involve training or behaviour modification techniques, such as desensitisation or counter-conditioning.

Calming CBD Treats for shaking dogs

Our soft CBD calming dog treats are perfect to keep your dogs cool and calm! Help ease those stressed feelings when you leave them home alone, or even help make fireworks less scary! These bite-size calming treats for dogs are great for quickly giving your pet CBD at home or when out and about on walkies or travelling.

Our combination of CBD, soothing passionflower extract, chamomile, and valerian root is the perfect mix for our calming dog treats. 

Of course, if your dog’s shaking continues, you should always seek out the medical advice of a vet to ensure your dog is happy and healthy.

Naturecan calming CBD treats for dogs

When to see a vet?

If your dog’s shaking persists or is accompanied by other symptoms, such as lethargy, loss of appetite, or difficulty breathing, contact your vet immediately. These could be signs of a more serious underlying condition, and prompt veterinary care may be necessary to ensure your dog’s health and well-being.