What are the Effects of CBD oil? Are there any side effects?


What are the Effects of CBD oil? Are there any side effects?

Summary points:

  • Studies show that CBD may help with chronic painanxietyinsomnia and inflammation.
  • CBD may also support our body in adapting to stressors and changes in the environment.
  • Side effects mainly arise when combining CBD with other medications.

Several academic institutions are currently researching the effects and benefits of CBD oil in both medical and therapeutic use. Harvard, Stanford, Oxford, and Cambridge are just a few universities leading the field with their studies on CBD effects and potential CBD benefits. For a substance to be approved for research, especially by such big institutions, it has to have a very low-risk profile, be safe for use, and have a high potential for success.

Here’s what we know about the effects of CBD oil, and so far it’s overwhelmingly positive.

CBD has been used for thousands of years for many of the same reasons we use it today. CBD, or cannabidiol, is one of the main active compounds in the Cannabis Sativa L. plant. Cannabis generally has two forms: marijuana, which is intoxicating, and hemp, which is non-intoxicating. All Naturecan CBD is derived from hemp and processed to produce the highest quality Broad Spectrum CBD oil with non-detectable THC levels.  The CBD oil is tested from raw material through to finished product  to ensure it has no intoxicating effects.

CBD works by interacting with  the  endocannabinoid system (ECS). Although the ECS is one of the least understood systems in our body, it’s also one of the systems keeping us alive. Without it, the  body couldn’t adapt to changes in our environment and we wouldn’t survive very long at all. For instance, every time you step outside of your house into the cold, your ECS helps your entire body instantly adjust to the change in temperature and keep you from passing out. 

You can think of the ECS as a communication network throughout our body. It consists of three parts: 

  • Endocannabinoids, which act as messengers carrying information throughout our body to corresponding receptors.
  • Cannabinoid receptors, which act on this information by making changes to our biological functions. 
  • Metabolic enzymes that break down the endocannabinoids once the job is done. 

The ECS is responsible for regulating various other vital  functions, such as sleep, pain, mood, appetite, memory, stress, immune function, and more. The goal of the ECS is to maintain balance. It acts like the conductor of an orchestra, making sure all body functions are synchronized and giving guidance where the rhythm is off. But the key players in keeping our ECS running smoothly are the endocannabinoids. Without these vital messengers, there’s no communication in the time of a crisis. 

One of the greatest threats to the ECS is modern-day life. A lack of sleep, poor diet, high-stress levels, and sedentary lifestyle all weaken our ECS to the point where it can’t regulate our body’s vital systems as it should. Our body starts excessively producing enzymes to break down our endocannabinoids before they can complete their job. The consequence? Our ECS cannot communicate properly and our individual physiological functions fall out of balance. You’ll notice this because problems start arising in the areas maintained by our ECS.

CBD supports our ECS in many ways, but primarily by promoting the production of natural endocannabinoids so that the ECS can communicate better with the rest of our body. Essentially, CBD encourages our body to do what it already does: Maintain balance. 

10 Benefits of CBD Oil

Just as there are various types of CBD products, there are different effects depending on how you take them. Since our ECS interacts with several body functions, CBD can affect us in many ways. For instance, you might notice the effects of CBD oils a little sooner than you would the effects of CBD capsules. So, while different CBD products take different amounts of time to work, they offer similar potential benefits.

Here are some of the main CBD oil effects:

  1. CBD Effects on sleep

Studies have shown that one of the many CBD benefits is improved sleep quality and duration. This is because CBD can directly influence the amount of adenosine produced in our bodies.

Adenosine is an organic compound produced by our body to regulate how tired we feel. High levels of adenosine will help us fall asleep, and lower levels will help us stay awake. CBD won’t increase the levels of adenosine in our body (which is why CBD effects won’t make you drowsy); instead, it helps regulate our adenosine levels to match our body clock and not get messed up from too much stimulation (like blue light from phone screens, stress, sugars, etc).

CBD For Sleep

2. CBD Effects on Pain

Recent studies have discovered cannabinoid receptors in our peripheral nerves (which is where pain is detected) and found that cannabinoids like CBD are able to block peripheral nerve pain in a whole new way.

It can do this without any side effects or lasting dependency, suggesting that CBD effects may be a far more sustainable option for managing pain without impairing your daily life.


3. CBD Effects on Mood

Many studies have found that CBD effects can help improve mood in multiple ways. On the one hand, CBD benefits us by interacting with serotonin receptors, which may contribute to feelings of wellbeing and make us feel more relaxed. On the other hand, CBD can inhibit sympathetic transmission by activating certain cannabinoid receptors.

In other words, CBD effects can temporarily turn off our “fight or flight” response, which is responsible for producing high levels of adrenaline and cortisol (the stress hormones), and instead activates our parasympathetic response, which allows us to relax, easing any stress and anxiety.

Lions mane for ADHD

4. CBD Effects on Skin Health

This is where the type of CBD you use can make a difference. Topical CBD, such as CBD balms, or even CBD oil applied onto your skin, works differently from CBD you ingest. Instead of traveling all the way into your bloodstream to take effect, topical CBD interacts with the cells it’s directly applied on. This is also a great way to soothe aches and pains in specific areas!

Studies have found that CBD can help repair skin, as it only targets damaged cells and doesn’t irritate surrounding healthy cells. CBD benefits may help improve acne, scarring, and signs of aging thanks to its anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. Studies have even found that CBD can stimulate collagen production, which helps skin cells retain water and appear plumper, which may reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

5. CBD Effects on the Brain 

It is crucial to acknowledge that although CBD and the brain have demonstrated potential therapeutic advantages, its effects on brain development in infancy and adolescence are not comprehensively comprehended.

A study published in the Journal of Developmental Neuroscience found that prenatal exposure to CBD in rats led to changes in behaviour and brain structure in offspring. However, more research is needed to understand the long-term effects of CBD on brain development fully.

6. CBD Effects on Migraines 

CBD, or cannabidiol, has shown potential in alleviating migraines. A 2017 study in the European Journal of Pain found that CBD reduced acute pain in rats, and a 2020 review in “Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research” highlighted CBD’s anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. 

CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system, which plays a role in pain modulation, further supporting its potential for migraine relief. While more research is needed, CBD may offer an alternative approach to managing migraines. Consult a healthcare professional for guidance on dosing and usage.

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7. CBD Effects on Depression 

For CBD and depression, a 2018 review concluded that multiple studies have demonstrated the anti-stress and antidepressant activity of CBD in animal models after short- or long-term use.

In a further research study from 2018 on CBD and depression, scientists found that a single dose of CBD induced antidepressant-like effects in mice and rats.

Furthermore, a later 2020 study with almost 400 participants looked at CBD and depression, among other issues. These individuals were prescribed CBD for mental health issues, neurological problems, and pain. Following three weeks of CBD use, all participants reported that their quality of life improved.

8. CBD Effects on Parkinson’s 

CBD shows promise in alleviating symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, as suggested by studies like the 2018 research in “Frontiers in Pharmacology” and a 2020 study. These studies indicate that CBD’s interaction with the endocannabinoid system may improve motor symptoms and sleep quality. 

However, more research is required to understand CBD’s potential benefits fully. Consultation with a healthcare professional is advisable for individuals considering CBD as part of their Parkinson’s management.

9. CBD Effects on Athletic Performance 

For CBD and recovery, Preclinical evidence suggests that CBD may protect against gastrointestinal damage associated with inflammation and promote the healing of traumatic skeletal injuries. However, further research is required to confirm these observations.

Furthermore, a 2021 study was conducted on 21 fitness participants. Half of the group were supplemented with CBD, and the other half were unknowingly provided with a placebo. They were then asked to perform a range of fitness tests such as squats. The results show small but significant effects on muscle damage and recovery of the CBD user’s squat performance after their workout.

CBD Effects on menopause

10. CBD Effects on Menopause

CBD, or cannabidiol, shows promise in alleviating menopausal symptoms. Preliminary research, such as a 2019 study suggests that CBD may help with hot flashes and mood swings due to its interaction with the endocannabinoid system and anxiolytic properties. 

While more research is needed for a comprehensive understanding of its effects, CBD could offer a complementary approach to managing menopause symptoms. Consulting a healthcare professional is recommended for guidance on CBD dosage.

Other possible effects of CBD oil

There still needs to be so much more research on CBD effects, but preliminary studies suggest that CBD oil may also reduce psychotic symptoms in people with mental disorders, such as schizophrenia.

In addition, CBD may help people beat substance addictions, by modifying circuits in the brain to reduce dependence and drug-seeking behaviour.

Another 2017 study suggests that CBD benefits may reduce the risk of heart disease by alleviating high blood pressure and allowing the heart to pump more efficiently. And we’re discovering more and more CBD benefits every day!

Many of these outcomes need to be confirmed by studies in humans, but some very positive effects of CBD have been demonstrated.

Is CBD a Blood Thinner?

Research on CBD’s potential effects on blood thickness is limited, and findings are inconclusive.

While some studies suggest that CBD may have anticoagulant properties, indicating a potential blood-thinning effect, more research is needed to establish definitive conclusions.

It’s crucial for individuals taking blood-thinning medications or considering CBD supplementation to consult with healthcare professionals to ensure safe and informed decisions based on their specific health conditions and medications.

What are the potential side effects of CBD oil? 

Many pharmaceutical drugs have side effects which may even leave us feeling worse than we did before taking them. Zolpidem, for instance, is a common drug prescribed to those who have difficulty getting to sleep. Its side effects can include depression, hallucinations, abnormal thoughts and behaviours, amnesia, trouble breathing, and so much more. Studies have found that CBD is a natural alternative to help with the very same problem and without even a fraction of the side effects. While it’s very unlikely that you’ll experience side effects when taking CBD at the recommended dosage, here’s what to expect if you do:

  • Changes in appetite
  • Diarrhoea
  • Dizziness
  • Dry mouth
  • Nausea

The WHO didn’t declare that CBD effects are safe and generally well-tolerated for no reason. Of course, there is a risk of interaction when taking CBD along with other medications so be sure to always consult a doctor first.

Pros and Cons of CBD

Potential Health Benefits: CBD may offer potential relief from pain, anxiety, insomnia, and certain neurological disorders.Lack of Regulation: Quality and purity of CBD products can vary due to limited regulation, leading to inconsistencies. Only shop from trusted and reputable brands like Naturecan.
Non-Psychoactive: Unlike THC, CBD doesn’t cause a "high" sensation, making it more widely accepted.Possible Side Effects: Some users may experience side effects such as dry mouth, diarrhoea, fatigue, or changes in appetite.
Natural and Plant-Based: Derived from the hemp plant, CBD is considered a natural remedy by many.Drug Interactions: CBD can interact with certain medications, potentially impacting their effectiveness. Ensure you speak with a healthcare provider before using CBD Oil
Research Potential: Ongoing studies suggest potential applications for various health conditions, paving the way for new treatments.Unclear Dosage: Determining the right dosage can be challenging as it varies based on individual factors.
Neuroprotective Properties: CBD shows promise in potentially protecting the nervous system and ]reducing the risk of neurodegenerative diseases.Possible Side Effects: Some users may experience side effects such as dry mouth, diarrhoea, fatigue, or changes in appetite.
Natural and Plant-Based: Derived from the hemp plant, CBD is considered a natural remedy by many.Legal Uncertainty: Laws surrounding CBD can be complex and vary significantly between regions, causing confusion.

Does CBD make your eyes red?

No, CBD (cannabidiol) generally does not cause red eyes, a common side effect associated with the use of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) found in marijuana.

Red eyes occur due to the dilation of blood vessels in the eyes, a response triggered by THC. CBD, on the other hand, does not have the same effect on blood vessels and is not known to cause red eyes.

If someone experiences red eyes after using a CBD product, it may be due to other factors or ingredients in the product rather than the CBD itself.

How to Calculate my CBD Dose

When figuring out the right CBD dose for you, several factors come into play. By taking your weight and height into account, as well as what CBD benefits you’re hoping to get out of it, you can get a pretty accurate estimate. With CBD, consistency is key, and it’s always best to start a bit lower and gradually build up your dosage when needed. 

To help you figure out your ideal CBD dosage, we made a CBD Dosage Calculator. You can fill out as much or as little as you want, and it should only take two minutes to complete!

Keep in mind, this is purely a recommendation and you should not exceed 70mg of CBD per day. If you intend on using CBD for any specific medical condition, please consult with your doctor first. 

Is CBD legal?

All Naturecan CBD is sourced from 100% USA-grown hemp and manufactured according to both USA and UK legal guidelines. However, the legal status of CBD can differ in each country.

CBD legal status in the UK

In the UK, CBD regulations require products to have under 0.2% THC and to be derived from an approved  hemp strain. Only companies that submitted a Novel Food application by 31.03.21 to the UK regulatory authorities may legally sell their products in the UK. Naturecan has submitted their application and complied with the rigorous requirements of this process.

We make sure all of our CBD products meet legal and safety requirements, contain non-detectable levels of THC.

It’s worth pointing out that our CBD products are classified as “novel foods” rather than medicines, as we do not hold a medical license. “Novel foods” are defined as any food or food ingredient that does not have a history of consumption before May 1997.


Although CBD benefits have been known for thousands of years, we’ve only recently started researching them. CBD supports the body in its natural process of maintaining a balance between all essential  functions that contribute to good health and wellbeing. It’s no surprise then that studies are finding such a wide range of potential CBD oil benefits, such as improving our sleep, regulating our mood, alleviating pain, repairing our skin, and even supporting the immune system!

Of course, more research is needed to fully understand the effects of CBD, but so far it’s looking very promising! As long as the THC levels in CBD products are under 0.2%, they’re perfectly legal and safe for consumption without having any intoxicating effects. We ensure that all Naturecan CBD products have non-detectable THC levels by following a rigorous six-step testing process. You can also check our website for a Certificate of Analysis, listing all cannabinoids, terpenes, and other valuable ingredients found in all of our CBD products.


Disclaimer: There is currently insufficient evidence to support the use of CBD in the condition(s) mentioned above and this text by no means reflects recommended uses. Always seek the advice of your healthcare professional if you are taking prescribed medication or are thinking of using CBD for your condition.

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